Amazon Dropshipping policy is a business model policy stating that a seller does not keep the products in stock, but instead transfers the customer orders and shipment details to a third-party supplier, who then ships the products directly to the customer. Dropshipping can be a convenient and profitable way to sell online, but it also comes with some risks and challenges.

One of the biggest challenges for dropshippers is to comply with Amazon’s dropshipping policy. Amazon is the largest and most popular online marketplace in the world, and many dropshippers want to sell their products on Amazon. However, Amazon has strict rules and regulations for dropshippers, and violating them can result in account suspension or termination.

Dropshipping is a business model where a seller does not keep the products in stock

What is Amazon’s Dropshipping Policy?

Amazon dropshipping policy states that:

  • You must be the seller of records of your products.

  • You must identify yourself as the seller of your products on all packing slips, invoices, external packaging, and other information included or provided in connection with them.

  • You must be responsible for accepting and processing customer returns for your products.

  • You must comply with all other terms of your seller agreement and applicable Amazon policies.

Amazon also prohibits dropshipping arbitrage, which is a practice where a seller lists a product on Amazon that they do not own or have access to, and then purchases the product from another online retailer and has that retailer ship directly to customers. This violates Amazon dropshipping policy because:

  • The seller is not the seller of record of the products.

  • The seller does not identify themselves as the seller of the products.

  • The seller does not control the fulfillment process or ensure timely delivery.

  • The seller may create a poor customer experience by providing inaccurate product information, delayed shipping, or damaged products.

What to Do When Violating Dropshipping Policy?

If you violate Amazon’s dropshipping policy, you may receive a warning, a performance notification, or a suspension notice from Amazon. Depending on the severity and frequency of your violation, you may have to take different actions to resolve the issue and restore your account.

You may receive a warning, a performance notification, or a suspension notice from Amazon

When is an amazon seller considered to violate Amazon dropshipping policy?

You can check if you have violated Amazon’s dropshipping policy by logging into your Seller Central account and reviewing your performance notifications. You can also monitor your customer feedback, product reviews, and A-to-z Guarantee claims to see if there are any complaints or issues related to your dropshipping practices.

Some of the common reasons why you may violate Amazon’s dropshipping policy are:

  • You use a third-party supplier who does not follow Amazon’s packaging and labeling requirements, such as including their own promotional materials, invoices, or logos.

  • You use a third-party supplier who does not provide reliable and timely shipping services, such as using slow or untrackable shipping methods, missing delivery deadlines, or sending wrong or damaged products.

  • You use a third-party supplier who does not offer customer service or returns support, such as refusing to accept or process returns, issuing partial or no refunds, or providing rude or unprofessional responses.

  • You list products on Amazon that you do not own or have access to, such as using another online retailer’s product images, descriptions, or prices without their permission.

Treatment Measures

If you receive a warning or a performance notification from Amazon for violating their dropshipping policy, you should take immediate action to correct your mistake and prevent it from happening again. Some of the steps you can take are:

  • Review your dropshipping suppliers and make sure they comply with Amazon’s packaging and labeling requirements, shipping policies, customer service standards, and returns policies.

  • Update your product listings and make sure they accurately reflect your products’ availability, condition, features, prices, and shipping options.

  • Contact your customers and apologize for any inconvenience or dissatisfaction caused by your dropshipping practices. Offer them a resolution, such as a replacement, a refund, or a discount.

  • Respond to any negative feedback, product reviews, or A-to-z Guarantee claims that you receive from your customers. Explain what went wrong and how you fixed it. Ask them to revise or remove their feedback or review if they are satisfied with your resolution.

If you receive a suspension notice from Amazon for violating their dropshipping policy, you will need to submit a Amazon appeal letter to request for reinstatement. Your appeal letter should include:

  • An acknowledgement of your violation and an apology for your mistake.

  • A detailed explanation of the root cause of your violation and how you identified it.

  • A comprehensive action plan of how you corrected your violation and how you will prevent it from recurring in the future.

  • Any supporting documents or evidence that can prove your compliance with Amazon’s dropshipping policy.

Writing an effective appeal letter can be challenging and time-consuming, especially if you are not familiar with Amazon’s policies and procedures. That’s why you may need some professional help from an Amazon appeal/ reinstatement service provider. An Amazon appeal/reinstatement service provider is a team of experts who can help you with any Amazon-related problems. They can help you write persuasive and compliant appeal letters, communicate with Amazon’s seller performance team, and follow up with them until your account is reinstated.

One of the best Amazon reinstatement service providers that you can trust is Amazoker. Amazoker is a reputable and reliable Amazon appeal service provider that has helped thousands of sellers with their Amazon issues. They have a high rate of success, in-depth and free consultation, free repeat appeals until success, and reasonable quotation. They also offer other services such as Amazon ungating, LLC registration, TM registration.

If you need help with your Amazon dropshipping policy violation or any other Amazon issue, contact Amazoker service today. They will help you with any issues that you are facing and guide you through the process.